Cara-Friend Recieves Children In Need Funding
- On March 4, 2016
Cara-Friend is delighted to announce that we have been successful in our application for funding from the BBC’s Children in Need. The focus of the funding is on the promotion of positive mental health among the LGB&T young people we work with, as well as to develop LGBTQI+-specific mental health services for young people.
Declan Meehan, Youth Development Manager, whose post has been largely financed by the grant, will have responsibility for developing the mental health aspect of Cara-Friend’s services. “The Children in Need is certainly very welcome. It allows us to focus on delivering services for the most vulnerable young people in the LGB&T community in Northern Ireland. Also important is the focus of the funding on promoting positive mental health, rather than just tackling poor mental health as it presents itself.”
This week saw the last workshop delivered by Aware in the Belfast LGB&T Centre on promoting positive mental health. The programme was entitled ‘Living Life to the Full’ and had twenty young LGB&T people from Cara-Friend and HereNI take part. ‘Living Life to the Full’ was the latest programme run by Cara-Friend for its members as part of its 2016 Positive Mental Health and Well-being Programme.