23-31 Waring Street, Belfast
(028) 9089 0202
Supporting LGBTQI+ People in Northern Ireland


LGBTQIA+ Domestic Abuse Project

The Domestic Abuse Project addresses violence against women and girls and is aimed at women and girls age 12 years + from the LBTI community (Lesbian, Bi-sexual, Trans or Intersex) community who have experienced or are at risk of domestic or sexual violence and abuse. 

We work with women and girls to support, empower and support them to move forward in their lives and to report the violence. We offer support and peer support groups for those who are at risk of or have experienced domestic abuse in its various forms.  We provide training for professionals who work with women and girls who may have had experience with domestic or sexual violence and abuse. We also provide social groups that reduce the isolation felt by many of those who have experienced abuse. This project is run in partnership with HERe NI.

Support for all those who identify as male is also available, please contact us for a referral.

If you are distressed or require help and support out-of-hours, please contact Lifeline on 0808 808 8000. Lines open 24/7