Educating the Educators Dates Announced
- On January 11, 2017
Educating the Educators is a training session for all professionals and volunteers who work with young people in Northern Ireland. It is designed to make participants’ practice more responsive to, and inclusive of, the needs of LGBTQI+ young people. Three dates have been announced for the training session, in three different locations:
Armagh City Hotel on March 2nd from 5pm to 8pm;
Holywell Trust, Derry~Londonderry on March 9th from 5.30pm to 8.30pm;
and Belfast LGBTQI+ Centre on May 17th from 5pm to 8pm.
This is the first time that the highly successful programme has been delivered outside of Belfast. For more information email Declan on declan.meehan@cara-friend.org.uk or call (028) 9089 0202. Booking is essential and places are allocated on a first come, first served basis. To book a free place follow this link to fill in the registration form.