Educating the Educators Sessions in 7 Locations
- On March 1, 2019
Educating the Educators returns to Northern Ireland for Spring 2019. Over the course of March and April we will offer free capacity building training on LGBTQI+ Awareness for professionals and volunteers working with young people in 7 locations. The three-hour training session is open to anyone who works with young people and is aimed at making participants’ practice more inclusive of, and responsive to, the needs of LGBTQI+ young people.
Follow this link to sign up for a free spot in your chose location.
The training will be available in the following locations:
- Dungannon – Ranfurly House, 26 Market Square: March 25th 3pm-6pm
- Derry-Londonderry – Foyle LGBTQI+ Centre, 20 Strand Road: March 28th 3pm-6pm
- Bangor – North Down Community Network Resource Centre, 5 Castle Park Road: March 26th 2.30pm-5.30pm
- Belfast – Grosvenor House, 5 Glengall Street: March 29th 2.30pm-5.30pm
- Cookstown – Youth Resource Centre, 74 Fountain Road: April 26th 12pm-3pm
- Larne – The Cliff Centre, 17 Seacliff Road: April 29th 12pm-3pm
- Downpatrick – Down County Museum, The Mall: April 30th 12pm-3pm